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Image naming structure : remote_location/username/image_name
| ex :
remove container
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q)
remove all images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
runs the container from image, gets it from the docker hub
if not found locally
docker run [image]
to list info of containers, -a for more
docker ps [-a]
stop running container
docker stop [container]
remove container
docker rm [container]
list all images
docker images
remove the image, note all container running of this image
should be removed first
docker rmi [image name]
to download image from remote, not run it immediately
docker pull
docker stop is no process is running, sleep will delay the stop process`
docker run [container] sleep 5
to execute a process inside a docker container
docker exec [container] [command to run]
to run the docker in de-attach mode, that means it will be in put in background
docker run -d [container]
to attach to the output of the container
docker attach [container]
docker run [container]:[version]
to interact with the terminal of the container, only input
docker run -i [container]
to interact with the terminal of the container, both input and output
docker run -it [container]
to attach you system's port to the port open inside the container
docker run -p 80:5000 [container]
create new volume
docker volume create data_volume
to save persistent data on disk for it to not get deleted in case the container is deleted
path to directory on your system : ex : /opt/datadir
path to directory on the container : ex : /var/lib/mysql
to get info about a container in JSON format
docker inspect [container]
to get logging info
docker logs [container]
to specify environment variable when running a container
docker run -e [ENV_KEY]=[ENV_VALUE] [container]
Create a file name Dockerfile
specify OS
update the packages of OS
install dependency using apt
install python dependencies using pip
copy source code into the image
start the process
This instructions take place in layered architecture, changes made to one layer will only effect the same layer in the next build
To get all info about build : docker history [image]
Sample Dockerfile
There are 3 network in docker
Bridge : network within the docker host, for inter-container communication
Host : network to expose the containers to the OS
None : specify --network=none
You can find bridge network info for a given container using inspect command
To create custom bridge ( user defined network )
Docker host contains a internal DNS resolver for different containers to communicate to each other. In place of URL, just add the name of the container you want to communicate to.