
working with Redis and Spring Boot

Redis with Spring Boot

public class RedisConfig {

	// configuration for connection
	public JedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
		RedisStandaloneConfiguration configuration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration();
		// load from properties
		return new JedisConnectionFactory(configuration);

	// configuration for using redis with java
	public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
		RedisTemplate<String, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
		template.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
		template.setHashKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
		template.setHashKeySerializer(new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer());
		template.setValueSerializer(new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer());
		return template;


Making class compatible with redis

  • Annotate class with : @RedisHash("Product")

  • Implement with Serializable interface

Using Redis as DocStore

  • As docstore because it gives the ability with to search and operate on values

  • To add obj to Redis with id as identifier

redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(HASH_KEY, product.getId(), product);
  • To get all values of obj

  • To get document by id

redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(HASH_KEY, id);
  • To delete obj with id

redisTemplate.opsForHash().delete(HASH_KEY, id);

Enable caching at controller level

  • Annotate with @EnableCaching

  • To enable caching at method level

@Cacheable( key = "#{id}", value = "HASH_KEY", unless = "#result.{field}>{value}" )
  • To remove obj from cache when delete from db

@CacheEvict(key = "#{id}", value = "HASH_KEY")
  • To update obj from cache when delete from db

@CachePut(key = "#{id}", value = "HASH_KEY")

RedisTemplate for Pub/Sub

public RedisTemplate<String,Object> template() {
	RedisTemplate<String, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
	template.setValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Object>(Object.class));
	return template;

public ChannelTopic topic() {
	return new ChannelTopic("pubsub:dev117uday");

public MessageListenerAdapter messageListenerAdapter() {
	return new MessageListenerAdapter(new Receiver());

public RedisMessageListenerContainer redisMessageListenerContainer( ) {
	RedisMessageListenerContainer container = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
	container.addMessageListener(messageListenerAdapter(), topic());
	return container;

Redis Stream Publisher template

Gson gson = new Gson();
var json = gson.toJson(new Users("1", "1", "1"));		
redisTemplate.convertAndSend(topic.getTopic(), json );

Redis Stream Subscriber template

public class RedisReceiver implements MessageListener {

	Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisReceiver.class);

	public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) {
		try {
			var messageString = getObject(message.getBody());
			Gson gson = new Gson();
			var user = gson.fromJson((String) messageString, Users.class);"Consumed event {}", user.toString());
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {


	private static Object getObject(byte[] byteArr) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
		ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
		ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
		return in.readObject();


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