//The type of the PriorityQueue is Integer.PriorityQueue<Integer> queue =newPriorityQueue<Integer>();//The elements are added to the PriorityQueuequeue.addAll( Arrays.asList( 9,2,3,1,3,8 ) );//The PriorityQueue sorts the elements by using // compareTo method of the Integer Class//The head of this queue is the least element with // respect to the specified orderingSystem.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [1, 2, 3, 9, 3, 8]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [2, 3, 3, 9, 8]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [3, 8, 3, 9]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [3, 8, 9]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [8, 9]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: [9]queue.remove();System.out.println( queue ); //The Output: []
A Deque is a "double ended queue" which means that a elements can be added at the front or the tail of the queue. The queue only can add elements to the tail of a queue.
Creating a Deque
Before you can use a Java Deque you must create an instance of one of the classes that implements the Deque interface. Here is an example of creating a Java Deque instance by creating a LinkedList instance:
Deque deque =newLinkedList();
Here is another example of creating a Java Deque by creating an ArrayDeque instance:
Deque deque =newArrayDeque();
Brief description
Gets the first item of the head of the queue without removing it.
Gets the first item of the tail of the queue without removing it.
addFirst(E e)
Adds an item to the head of the queue
addLast(E e)
Adds an item to the tail of the queue
Removes the first item at the head of the queue
Removes the first item at the tail of the queue
Adding Elements to Deque
Deque deque =newLinkedList();//Adding element at taildeque.add("Item1");//Adding element at headdeque.addFirst("Item2");//Adding element at taildeque.addLast("Item3");
Removing Elements from Deque
//Retrieves and removes the head of the queue represented by this dequeObject headItem =deque.remove();//Retrieves and removes the first element of this deque.Object firstItem =deque.removeFirst();//Retrieves and removes the last element of this deque.Object lastItem =deque.removeLast();
Retrieving Element without Removing
//Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of the queue represented by this dequeObject headItem =deque.element();//Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of this deque.Object firstItem =deque.getFirst();//Retrieves, but does not remove, the last element of this deque.Object lastItem =deque.getLast();
Stacks are a LIFO (Last In, First Out) Data structure for objects.
Java contains a Stack API with the following methods
Return Type
Creates an empty Stack
Is the Stack Empty?
Return Type: Boolean
push(Item item)
push an item onto the stack
removes item from top of stack
Return Type: Item
returns # of items in stack
Return Type: Int
importjava.util.*;publicclassStackExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]) {Stack st =newStack();System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.push(10);System.out.println("10 was pushed to the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.push(15);System.out.println("15 was pushed to the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.push(80);System.out.println("80 was pushed to the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.pop();System.out.println("80 was popped from the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.pop();System.out.println("15 was popped from the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);st.pop();System.out.println("10 was popped from the stack");System.out.println("stack: "+ st);if(st.isEmpty()) {System.out.println("empty stack"); } }}
Blocking Queue
A Blocking Queue is an interface, which is a queue that blocks when you try to dequeue from it and the queue is empty, or if you try to enqueue items to it and the queue is already full. A thread trying to dequeue from an empty queue is blocked until some other thread inserts an item into the queue. A thread trying to enqueue an item in a full queue is blocked until some other thread makes space in the queue, either by dequeuing one or more items or clearing the queue completely
The java.util.LinkedList class, while implementing java.util.List is a general-purpose implementation of java.util.Queue interface too operating on a FIFO (First In, First Out) principle.