Spring Basics
Resources :
Why framework ?
The aim of frameworks is to provide a common structure so that developers don't have to redo it from scratch and can reuse the code provided. In this way, frameworks allow us to cut out much of the work and save a lot of time. To summarise: there's no need to reinvent the wheel
Spring allows
Inversion of control : from programmer to framework
automatically configures things in order
create object of required classes
Aspect Oriented Programming
breaking code into different modules
reduces cross cutting concerns : Dont Repeat Yourself
example : security is crosscutting because it is applied in many methods in an application
example : logging, exception handling
It does so by advising the current code on how to handle situation.
Dependency Injection
Spring data projects
What is dependency injection ?
Dependency injection is basically providing the objects that an object needs (its dependencies) instead of having it construct them itself.
What is inversion of controller ?
Inversion of Control is a principle in software engineering which transfers the control of objects or portions of a program to a container or framework.
The advantages of this architecture are:
decoupling the execution of a task from its implementation
making it easier to switch between different implementations
greater modularity of a program
greater ease in testing a program by isolating a component or mocking its dependencies, and allowing components to communicate through contracts
What is Spring Bean ?
Bean is a fancy word for object
A spring bean is just an object that manages for you
Beans are generate at bean-factory, and then there is application context, which extends bean-factory and provides additional features
Types of Beans
1 object in he entire application
Bean is singleton by default
Prototype : new/different object whenever you ask for it
Request : for getting new object each and every time new request enters the app
Session : for one session
Global Session : for life-cycle for global session
Bean Life-cycle
Definition of beans
populate property, constructor
init method runs
dependency injection
pre destroy step
What is Application Context ?
When we create spring bean, we need something to manage it.
Application Context is there to
Container for all beans
Why dependency injection is done through constructors ?
It gets difficult to keep track of objects that are passed at time of initialisation. There can be multiple dependency for an class, and those dependency might also dependent upon others.
It gets difficult to manage the object life-cycles.
Inspecting Beans managed for us by Spring boot
In main method
this will list all beans managed for us by spring boot. When we add the annotation of
, they implement the @Component annotation which indicates the framework that you have to manage this bean according to rules
@Bean annotation on methods ?
Yes, bean still stands for object, but spring boot has a annotation for methods which for spring to manage it just like is manage other beans
Types of dependency Injection
3 ways to get dependency into a class
Constructor Injection : Best injection method
Setter Injection : makes code too verbose
Field Injection : against java convention, as outside entity is accessing private field, except for test-cases
Constructor Injection
Field Injection
Setter Injection
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